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Benjamin Hepting

Lernt Benjamin kennen

Gründer von MindLife Creations

Ein bisschen über mich

Hi, ich bin Benjamin Hepting. Industrial Designer, Schreiner und Musiker. Geboren in Mexiko und mit aktuellem Wohnsitz in Karlsruhe, Deutschland.

Meine Story

I would say that my formation as designer started when I was just a little kid playing countless hours with Legos, always building and creating different types of objects. Then my father and grandfather taught me the basics of woodworking and basic electricity concepts and by helping them building furniture, wood constructions or trying to repair the old lamp my grandfather founded on his garage I always found very interesting how things work, why do they work and what could be done to make them better and efficient. 

On 2014 I finished my Bachelor degree on Industrial Design at the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM) in Mexico. On my last semester I founded Aktia Design Studio in collaboration with my classmates and our goal was to create unique products like furniture, corporate identity, product, packaging and interior design. 

4 Years after (2018-2019) the destiny takes me to Germany to be working and learning @HandHolzWerk how to build timber-framing structures, restoration, sustainable construction methods, wooden terraces and help with the design and construction of a machine capable of doing "Yakisugi", the old Japanese art of charring wood, a sustainable form of treating the wood with fire in order to make it more resistant and long lasting.


In 2020 I started working @Einzig.Art where I was the lead carpenter of the workshop. We where mainly focused on furniture and interior design made out of reclaimed Oak form old timber framing constructions. 

The year 2022 is the one when I decide to start my own business MindLife Creations, a co-working space created specially for designers, creators and artists that are interested in interior design and sustainable solutions.

Carpentry work

Meine Design Philosophie

"Design ist mit unterschiedlichen Konzepten, Prozessen und Materialen zu experimentieren um innovative, funktionale und einzigartige Produkte herzustellen, die eine positive Reaktion erzeugen" 

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